Saskatchewan Rush goalie Alex Buque in a TSN interview. Saskatchewan Rush goalie Alex Buque in a TSN interview. (Saskatchewan Rush on Twitter.)

There’s a significant history of athletes or coaches’ cursing or profane gestures being broadcast, whether from mic’dup athletes, field cameras and mics, hot mics, press conferences, other interviews, as studio commentary, as game commentary, or in sideline interviews. The latter category produced the latest example of this, with Saskatchewan Rush goalie Alex Buque dropping a f-bomb in an interview with TSN‘s Shantelle Chand after his team’s 14-8 NLL road win against the Vancouver Warriors Saturday night, where he made 42 saves. But TSN was fully prepared for this with a bleep button, and a “Have the censor button ready!” comment from announcer Brad Challoner:

Around 0:21, Chand asks Buque “I know you’re a team guy, so how good are the guys on the backend?” Buque responds with an “Oh, they’re f***ing pumped” (it seems; the bleep button catches a bit of the next word). Then, after a further question about confidence, Chand throws it back to Challoner and analyst Teddy Jenner, and Challoner says “There is nothing like an Alex Buque post-game interview. Have the censor button close by!” TSN certainly did here, and that paid off for them.

While we haven’t yet been able to find other videos of Buque swearing in post-game interviews, we have found some other cool videos of him from his impressive 2014-present NLL career. Here’s him flattening an opponent in 2016:

And here are some of his dance moves from last month:

Buque certainly seems worth keeping a camera on. Even if a censor button may sometimes be needed.

[The Big Lead; image from the Saskatchewan Rush on Twitter]

About Andrew Bucholtz

Andrew Bucholtz has been covering sports media for Awful Announcing since 2012. He is also a staff writer for The Comeback. His previous work includes time at Yahoo! Sports Canada and Black Press.