Stephen A. Smith felt bad clashing with Tim Tebow on First Take: ‘I almost feel like I’m destined for hell.’
"He’s such a wonderful, wonderful human being and I almost feel like I deserve to be crucified for insulting him."
"He’s such a wonderful, wonderful human being and I almost feel like I deserve to be crucified for insulting him."
"Sometimes he could come across as arrogant as sh*t, and I love that too."
"Ladies, none of y’all are beyond your prime. All y’all got it going on."
"That’s fantastic, do you have any idea what kind of hope that gives to men everywhere?"
"Did you think he was not gonna try to make money? He’s a bit weird. Looks weird! That’s his thing! He’s always trying to make money."
"I just have to ask, what in the actual f*ck is he talking about."
"I can sit down and talk to the Ku Klux Klan, for interview purposes."
"You used to want to get ahead by working your tail off…now you’re just waiting for somebody to mess up."
"Most people would crawl on their hands and knees for this opportunity."
"I mention my resume to point to you, that there is a Black man in front of your face that you’re staring at right now who has earned what I have."
"It’s playing right into his hands...You’re Donald Trump, what did you just do? You stole the headlines. You galvanized your base."
"Hell, for all I know, I might be one of them. Now I doubt that. But it’s possible. No one knows."
"I just read you the names of five people who died. And you had the audacity to go on the air and try to highlight that there were peaceful protesters."
"He’s just a joy to be around. One of the kindest, nicest people that you’re ever going to meet in your life."
"I’m trying to figure out how on earth are you gonna be able to pull something like that off."
"We all know what you were accused of...and as a result of that you were taken off television. I still don’t think it was fair. I’m saying it for the record."
"The sports fan got to a point where they were sending a message that they didn’t feel like their needs were being met"
"Here’s the one thing I would say in Trump’s defense...Be careful what you wish for."
"Honestly, every time I see a woman on television that’s doing anything with sports it’s super gratifying"
"That's a damn lie. Now I'm not saying Jerry Jones is lying, but don't tell me no one there knew what was going on. Somebody did. That's why they were there. ...You didn't want them to desegregate the school."
"One can only be called a sellout and a c**n and all of this other stuff but so much before you feel compelled to respond."
"They’re trying to eliminate your resume, your reputation, your credibility with one mistake."
"Perhaps working nonstop ain’t the way to go."
"He put me in the same sentence as Herschel Walker, who's running for the Senate seat in Georgia, and Kyrie Irving. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not gonna disrespect anybody. Let me just say to you, that couldn’t be further from the truth."
"If we let Kanye use that as an excuse for bigotry, then every white supremacist can use that as an excuse for bigotry. You know, everybody that wants to be anti-Black, antisemitic…homophobic, whatever, they can use that as the reason, ‘Oh, I got, you know, mental health issues.’"