Two years ago, Tony Romo was hailed as the next great NFL color commentator, seemingly able to predict plays in real-time and provide interesting analysis of the game. Since then, however, he seems to have devolved into a human catchphrase and exclamation machine who can’t even be counted on to be ready to speak when asked a question. Critics are out in full force wondering what happened and his performance on Sunday during the AFC Championship Game didn’t do much to quell their concerns.
Tony Romo announces a game like the kid who just ran into the house to tell their mom about something bad that just happened outside.
— Andy Nesbitt (@anezbitt) January 30, 2023
Tony Romo went from "insightful, predictive announcer" to "Bob Saget narrating America's Home Videos" in two years
— Christian D'Andrea (@TrainIsland) January 30, 2023
Can we send Tony Romo to mars
— (@Kofie) January 30, 2023
There was one moment in particular that seemed to encapsulate NFL viewers’ frustrations with Romo. During a play in which Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes got a pass off as he was being tackled by a Cincinnati Bengals defender, Romo struggled his way through a metaphor, saying “the wizard is still…wizardry.” What?
We're still not sure what to make of Tony Romo's "the wizard is still…wizardry."
— Awful Announcing (@awfulannouncing) January 30, 2023
Was he trying to say “the wizard is still wizarding” but got tripped up in his own mind before he could say it? In a way, it sums up Romo’s schtick perfectly in that he was more consumed with coming up with a wacky phrase to utter rather than trying to provide the audience with any kind of meaningful context, and just made the whole thing more awkward because of it.
Tony Romo: "The wizard is still wizardry."
$180 million
— Dakota Randall (@DakRandall) January 30, 2023
"The Wizard is still… Wizardry." – Tony Romo, backing himself into a corner.
— Garion Thorne (@GarionThorne) January 30, 2023
“The Wizard is still wizardry.”
Tony Romo, 1/29/23
— Pat Tomasulo (@pattomasulo) January 30, 2023
The NFL season is over for CBS and it stands to reason they’ll spend the offseason wondering what they’ve gotten themselves into with Romo and his 10-year, $180 million contract.