I’m not entirely sure why Jay Mariotti decided to wait a whole two weeks to chime in on the Raul Ibanez/Blog thing, but I’m more interested in the premise of his article. Mariotti is now about the 30th mainstream media member to comment that “steroid guessing is bad journalism”, but forgetting what he has written about the subject in the past. Before we get into all of Mariotti’s accusations about members of the Cubs, let’s look at what he wrote late last night….

Yes, given the staggering bulk of guilty names and relentless flurry of new information, we all wonder to ourselves if every major leaguer who has played since 1995 used steroids. But that doesn’t mean anyone has the right, legally or ethically, to start speculating for public consumption just because he has a functioning computer, a miniscule niche in cyberspace or a column in the dying newspaper industry. The methods of dissemination may have changed, but journalistic standards suddenly shouldn’t go to hell.

If you know an athlete who uses steroids, convince us that it’s true with corroborated material.

If not, please keep it to yourself.

Okay then. That’s certainly an opinion someone can get behind, and if people want to follow that journalism tenet, I obviously have no problem with it. What I do have a problem with, is when it comes from someone who wrote the following:

The joke isn’t funny anymore. Every time I ask Sammy Sosa about ster-oids, he uses a four-year-old punchline about his favorite vitamins. “I take my Flintstones once a day,” he says, smiling as always.

But now that baseball’s worst-kept secret finally is out of the medicine closet–vast numbers of players are juiced up on ‘roids–it is incumbent upon Sosa and other prominent big-leaguers to start speaking up and taking a responsible stance concerning the sport’s latest self-destructive issue. Very simply, he needs to tell the truth. If he hasn’t used steroids, tell us. If he has used them occasionally, tell us. If he uses them regularly, tell us.

He really should just grab the cup, piddle in it and send it to the lab. It’s the only way Sammy Sosa ends all suspicions, quiets the riffraff, blows away the steroid clouds and lets us resume enjoyment of his immaculate career, currently in an innuendo warp. He is sadly mistaken when he says, “The whole world knows that I am innocent.”

For some reason, mainstream media members continually forget the words they wrote, if not days ago, at least a few years ago. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, what is wrong with speculating? Sports as a whole is speculation, and whether it’s who used steroids?, or will Albert Pujols win the Triple Crown?….What’s the big deal?

Also, what’s worse in your mind? Writing out a debate with your friend about a player you have on your fantasy team, and trying to defend his stats? Or telling a player in a national publication to send his pee to a lab? Sure it was Sammy Sosa, and we all know how that turned out, but back then it was complete SPECULATION.

It’s also funny to me that someone who has been taken for task about doing zero research by both clubs in Chicago, is calling out people for laziness.

Steroid Guessing Is Bad Journalism (Fanhouse)
Letter To Chicago Sun-Times (White Sox and Cubs)

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