Good gawd almighty, you gotta be kidding me! Legendary wrestling announcer Jim Ross has written an autobiography, a slobberknocker of a memoir!
Actually, Ross’s biography will be titled Slobberknocker: My Life in Wrestling (written with Paul O’Brien) and will be available in October. The exact release date is Oct. 3, and is ready for pre-order at Amazon. I swear to God, that’ll stop your heart! Right there, wherever you read it!
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Known as the voice of the WWE, Slobberknocker is the story of Jim Ross’s life, probably the most notable person connected to the sport who has never wrestled. He opens up about his life growing up on a farm in Oklahoma and his discovering of wrestling to somehow getting a foot in the door to the business that started a historic career, one where he held almost every job in the business, from putting up the ring to calling matches, to finding talent, to booking programs, to handling payroll. With all those responsibilities, he’s also recognized as the man who built and nurtured a once-in-a-generation talent roster that took the WWE to new heights, including “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and The Rock to name a few. Readers will finally get the opportunity to hear never-before-told stories about the politics and personalities of all the biggest stars.
Ross has had a 40-year career in pro wrestling — which has earned him honors with the WWE, NWA and National Wrestling Halls of Fame — and has plenty of stories to share which will surely be compelling. If you’ve followed professional wrestling, Ross has brought joy to your life.
But his personal story is also intriguing, as someone who has struggled with Bell’s Palsy throughout his life. Maybe he’ll share some barbecue recipes as well. Even if you’re just a casual wrestling fan, Ross’s autobiography should be a fascinating read. (And if there’s ever an audio version released, that could be off-the-page intense!)
This is a moment! This is a moment, ladies and gentlemen! Look at it. Feel it. Experience it! Slobberknocker: A Life in Wrestling will be available on Oct. 3.