If you listen to any CBS Sports Radio station, you’ve likely had the grave misfortune of listening to a CBS Sports Minute. They are mini-commentaries from national CBS Sports personalities on the story of the day that are meant to… I don’t know… lead you to veer your car into oncoming traffic? Whether it’s the tone, delivery, timing, or content, the CBS Sports Minute might be more universally despised than First Take.
Mike Francesa has clearly had enough. And he went in on the CBS Sports Minute after sitting through Damon Amendolara commenting on the Hulk Hogan scandal:
Some of my favorite Francesa put-downs from this mini-rant:
“One of the great waste of air space folks… you get all these righteous commentaries like the one I just had to listen to.”
“If you’re going to do these commentaries, what’s with these initials? On my show, with these initials?”
“I wouldn’t know who they are if they walked in the studio.”
“I hate these commentaries, they drive me nuts. They don’t belong on my show or any show.”
There’s clearly only one way to fix the CBS Sports Minute. Have Mike Francesa record every single CBS Sports Minute.
[Audio via OrdioMongo]
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