Wizards PG John Wall and a group of friends were escorted off a plane in Las Vegas recently when one of Wall’s friends got into an argument with a fellow passenger. In spite of the Las Vegas police department saying no arrests were made and there was “nothing remarkable or notable” about the situation, it still presented an opportunity for Colin Cowherd to take part in his favorite pastime: criticizing John Wall for doing a pregame dance five years ago.
Cowherd deilvered a lengthy diatribe against Wall that predictably alluded to the Dougie multiple times. You can read the entire thing at DC Sports Bog if you feel like you need to pay penance to the gods today:
“John Wall is what John Wall is. Gang signs in games, pro and college. That dumb Dougie. Doesn’t always put the time in according to Paul Pierce, but he gets kicks off playing with his entourage. It’s not that he’s a bad guy, he’s not a horrible human being. He needs to grow up! You don’t see John Stockton doing that and Magic Johnson involved in that.”
Has any one sports media person be so singularly obsessed with tearing down a player as Colin Cowherd has been with John Wall? More than that though, so singularly obsessed with tearing down a player because of a dance during pregame introductions. At Cowherd’s funeral some day in the distant future, someone will get up to deliver a eulogy and it will be a rant about John Wall doing the Dougie. And then they will put on his tombstone, “John Wall is not a good leader because he once did the Dougie.”
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