A wise person once said "the days are long but the years are short." For reasons unbeknownst to common sense and decency, the Pam Ward Chronicles have returned for a seventh season! Yes, seven years! Johnny Football was getting dimes at lemonade stands when this thing started. This year Matt Millen looks to defend his title against a field full of worthy contenders.
As a refresher course – here's the rundown. Leave us all the best, weirdest, most humorous, and most awful announcer quotes from anyone covering college football in the thread below. Tweet us at AA throughout the weekend with quotes as well. Use the hashtag #PWAA to send in submissions via Twitter or leave a comment below. We'll keep the thread going throughout the weekend and bring you the nominees on Tuesday to vote and reveal the winners on Wednesday. This happens every week throughout the season until we crown a victor in the Pammies.
Enjoy your opening week of college football!
Your Week 1 Announcing Schedule
"Hawaii is out-physicallying USC" – Aaron Taylor (via robtedlund)
"Devon Kennard is the son of his father Derek Kennard…" -Aaron Taylor (via joelederer)
"You gotta have a short term memory, you have to forget about it" – Aaron Taylor (via Nautical Natty)
"Utah State has 3 timeouts remaining, Utah has 4." – Justin Kutcher (via AA)
"That's what football's supposed to sound like. Clean" – Matt Millen getting his senses mixed up. (via colinmeans)
“He’s one of those guys when he is on your team he makes you overall better.” – Matt Millen (via CJK5H)
"Come on now, you get paid for it. Catch the ball." – Glen Mason after a key UNLV drop. (via Serpent of Eden)
"North Carolina is working at Mach-9 speed." – Jesse Palmer (via SCtvman)
"Aim for the outside knee" – Matt Millen on blocking (via BY318)
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