Nick Wright just exposed the problem with selling Girl Scout Cookies as if he was poking holes in an Aaron Rodgers conspiracy theory.
It’s Girls Scout Cookie season! Samoas (which are apparently called Caramel deLites in some parts of the country), Tagalongs, Trefoils, Thin Mints, the season features a plethora of cookies that are just OK. And we should all buy as many average cookies as we can handle storing for a year. Just buy them from a kid, not their parent.
.@getnickwright absolutely unleashes on the Girl Scout Cookie process 🤣
“The whole thing is a little scam-adjacent to begin with.” 🤣🤣🤣
— What’s Wright? with Nick Wright (@WhatsWrightShow) January 19, 2024
“Kids should sell their own damn cookies,” Wright said on the latest episode of his podcast. “You don’t post it at work. You don’t send out an email. You don’t tweet the link. It is not a contest of, ‘Hey girls, which of your parents has the biggest social media following, or has the biggest job at work…’ If we’re being honest here, the whole thing is a little scam-adjacent to begin with.”
As is usual with most things kid-related, it’s the parents who are the problem. No one does a better job of ruining youth sports than a parent, and no one does a better job of a destroying the foundation of Girl Scout Cookie sales ingenuity than a parent.
“I do not hate Girl Scouts,” Wright insisted. “I dislike parents working the system against the idea of it…the idea of Girl Scout Cookie season was these girls take pride in it, have to put in work and the winner is the one who knocked on enough doors…it has now been perverted to, the winner is the one whose parent has 400,000 followers on Instagram and everybody buys from them.”
Wright attempted to expose the Girl Scout Cookie process further by assuming there are some sneaky tax benefits to help enrich someone somewhere, but he put that take on hold after realizing it required more research than a quick Google search. Still, Wright seemed confident the Girl Scouts of the USA are pulling a fast one over Big Cookie companies like Keebler and Nabisco.
Wright may have been channeling his inner Aaron Rodgers a bit too much for an eight-minute rant about Girl Scout Cookies. But we should all agree, buy your cookies from an actual Girl Scout, not a parent who’s attempting to pressure their subordinates at work into purchasing a few boxes. That said, send me a note if you want the link to buy Girl Scout Cookies from my niece.