Hannah Storm Photo Credit: ABC/Good Morning America

Hannah Storm revealed Tuesday on Good Morning America that she was diagnosed with breast cancer in January.

The ESPN SportsCenter anchor told GMA host Robin Roberts that the cancer is treatable, and she feels “very, very lucky because they found it so early.”

Storm, 61, told Roberts she had always strictly followed medical guidelines that recommend regular mammograms. When she didn’t get any immediate word on results from a test in November, she got worried.

She was advised to do an ultrasound in early January, and when that showed a possible issue, she underwent a biopsy.

Her radiologist called on Jan. 11, which happened to be a very busy time at work — that’s the day the announcement came that head coach Bill Belichick and the New England Patriots were parting ways.

But Hannah Storm took the call and got the shocking news. She had DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma in Situ) breast cancer.

“I was shocked because, again, I had had mammograms every year,” Storm told Roberts, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007. “I have no risk factors. I have no breast cancer in my family. I did not have a lump. I did not have pain. I don’t have any genetic predisposition to breast cancer.

“And what I came to learn is the vast majority of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer don’t have risk factors, and so I’ve got to say I was shocked. I was scared.”

Storm said she’s doing “really, really good” today.

“I’m very, very lucky because they found it so early,” Storm said.

Storm underwent a lumpectomy on Feb. 1 and is expected to make a full recovery. She continued working throughout the entire personal ordeal.

By sharing her story, Hannah Storm hopes to get the message out to other women. She also shared her situation this week with People magazine.


“I know so many women who don’t have their yearly mammograms, I know a lot of women who are afraid of it,” Storm told Roberts. “Don’t be afraid to have a mammogram — be afraid not to. Be afraid of what you don’t know.”

[Good Morning America; Photo Credit: ABC/Good Morning America]

About Arthur Weinstein

Arthur spends his free time traveling around the U.S. to sporting events, state and national parks, and in search of great restaurants off the beaten path.