On Tuesday, ESPN announced a new series heading into the NFL Draft. On the Clock will follow four top NFL Draft quarterbacks through the last months of their college careers, and the four will be evaluated and mentored by Peyton, Eli, and Archie Manning.

Here’s a blurb from ESPN’s release about the series.

The show follows four top quarterback prospects throughout their final college football season and into the offseason as they prepare for the NFL Combine, their Pro Days and ultimately the NFL Draft.

Throughout the series, NFL legends Archie, Peyton and Eli Manning evaluate and mentor the future Sunday signal callers ahead of the biggest night of their football lives.

And a trailer.

The series premieres on Monday, April 10th at 8 PM on ESPN2. Here’s the listing of the four episodes.

  • April 10th: Bryce Young. 8 PM, ESPN2
  • April 10th: Hendon Hooker, 8:30 PM, ESPN2
  • April 17th: Will Levis, 5:30 PM, ESPN2
  • April 24th: Anthony Richardson, 8:30 PM, ESPN2

All episodes can be streamed on ESPN+ following their original airing.

Since Jon Gruden’s departure from ESPN, the network hasn’t been able to adequately replace his QB Camp series leading into the NFL Draft. In 2018, Russell Wilson hosted a short-lived mentoring style show called QB2QB. But there hasn’t been a replacement since, which would be fine in years like 2019 and 2022, but less so in years like 2020 and 2021.

With this year’s quarterback class attracting plenty of hype, bringing back some sort of QB-centric show seems like a wise move, and attaching the Manning family was an easy decision for ESPN.


About Joe Lucia

I hate your favorite team. I also sort of hate most of my favorite teams.