By now you’ve probably read the explosive new story about the old Peyton Manning story regarding sexual assault allegations during his time at Tennessee. While the New York Daily News write-up has issues of its own and has been covered elsewhere (before the Super Bowl by The Daily Beast for example), this is a huge story that finally needs to be given the attention it’s due from the mainstream sports media. The release of the 74 page court document alone, and the damning allegations against the Manning family therein, is worth close inspection.
Let’s check in on Fox Sports and one of their new faces of the Embrace Debate 2.0 movement Clay Travis, to see how they plan on handling this story with the delicate care that it requires… and how it embarrasses other Fox Sports employees.
The inner conflict happening at Fox, between the bloviators and the folks that want to turn their network into something respectable, is fascinating to watch develop in real time for the entire world to see.
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