It's the last minute of the Mountain West Championship Game between San Diego State and New Mexico. There's a little over a minute left in an exciting game and you happen to have the privilege of calling the game on radio. Just then, in that inopportune moment, a security guard comes over and asks you to move your suitcase.
What do you do? Do you politely ignore him knowing you have a job to do? Do you give him the "wait just a second please" finger motion? Or do you mercilessly rip him on the air for having the gall to interrupt you and go about your duties?
If you're Ted Leitner, veteran San Diego Padres and SDSU announcer, you choose Option C. And do it with great gusto. After being interrputed during the final seconds of a championship game, Leitner somehow seamlessly alternates between ripping said security guard on the air and calling the action taking place in front of him. The following text may be the most amazing audio in sports radio history…
"Had a guy reach over my shoulder, tapping me on my shoulder asking me a question during the drive there by Cameron Bairstow because my suitcase is behind the chair and he thinks it's too much in the way. These MORONS that think the terrorists are honing in here on the Mountain West tournament in Las Vegas."
You have to say, the Mountain West tournament final would be something we would least suspect. That poor security guard. I understand answering the call of duty because loose briefcases have been known to cause severe tripping hazards, but yea, probably not the best timing in the world. I just can't imagine the amount of skill and composure Leitner had to A) Continue broadcasting the game and B) Simultaneously go on a legendary rant completely unrelated to said game. It's a remarkable, Hall of Fame worthy effort.
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