So reader RB sent me an email telling me that I just HAD to find Gary Thorne and Steve Phillip’s conversation about the Canseco book this morning. I searched Red Lasso and finally found it in the Top of the Third Inning and I don’t think I’ve ever been this blown away by an Announcer’s idiocy before (maybe Suzyn Waldman).

The talk starts with Gary Thorne mentioning “Jason Giambi’s second book”, and Steve Phillips corrects him right away. But does that stop Thorne? Of course not….

Okay, let’s recap. First, Gay Thorne thinks Giambi wrote the book. Second (after being corrected), jokes about the throw from first to third. And finally, right when you think it’s over he says that the two need to have a clubhouse meeting??? Canseco does not play baseball anymore and if memory serves I don’t think he ever played First Base.

How clueless can you be? I mean jetlag is a bitch, but that was ridiculous.