The arrest of several FIFA executives isn’t just the biggest story in sports at the moment, it may be the biggest story in the world.  Soccer is the world sport and the news media loves nothing more than a juicy multimillion dollar scandal.  This truly has it all.  How big is this getting?  Now Vladimir Putin is saying it’s a US led conspiracy to take down FIFA and take the 2018 World Cup away from Russia.  (Nevermind that the people arrested thus far are from the Americas.)

It’s almost surreal to think that after decades and decades of assumed FIFA corruption that this day has actually come.  And as you would expect, the worldwide media had a field day with the FIFA story.

First, the UK tabloids, where The Sun and the Daily Mirror might take home the prize for the best headline with their Sepptic pun…

The worldwide media came down on FIFA as well, with Godfather references and Germany’s Bild telling Blatter to get out.

But perhaps the best reactions came in cartoons from around the globe

And just think, none of those cartoons made note of whistleblower/informant Chuck Blazer, who had an entire luxury suite dedicated to his cats.  Rome was brought down by the Barbarians.  FIFA was brought down by luxury cats.

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