Much has been made of the World Cup venue deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest in Manaus.  While the thought of a city in the middle of the jungle hosting World Cup matches is a pretty awesome idea in theory, it’s proven to be a challenge for the lucky teams making the journey to Manaus.

The pitch condition has been up for debate and the humidity has clearly had a negative effect on sides after playing in Manaus (just ask England and Italy).  We’ll see how the USA and Portugal can deal with the recovery aspect this week.

Oh, and there’s just one more thing happening in Manaus.  GIANT BUGS ARE ATTACKING OUR SIDELINE REPORTERS.  Jeremy Schaap was joined by two little friends before USA-Portugal while doing a report for ESPN.

How can you tell if someone is a true pro?  Their ability to continue reporting even though creepy crawlies are all over them.  I’ll bet Schaap didn’t think he was also signing up for Fear Factor in covering this tournament.

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