Well, that’s one way to meet people! On Wednesday night, the Atlanta Hawks are hosting a Swipe Right Night, sponsored by Tinder. That’s…interesting. Like, are you supposed to just go and hope you meet someone at the game? Sit in your seat and swipe right until you find someone to meet you for a beer in the concourse? I am not familiar with the Hawks’ arena so I am not sure if there are bars to meet at, but I guess you could be all, “sweet, meet me at the Taco Mac in 15 minutes?” Wouldn’t it be awkward if you swiped left on the person sitting behind you and they SAW? SO MANY QUESTIONS! Can someone in Atlanta please go to this and report back on your experience?
While Tinder might not exactly be the path to everlasting love, Wednesday night at the Hawks game will be a prime opportunity to meet new people at the very least.
And hey, you both go in knowing you at least have one sports team in common!