Adam Amin on claims of bias from Fox announcers: ‘This isn’t just a sports conversation’
"As ridiculous as it might seem, it also shows how caught up the fans get in an emotional and historically awesome series like this."
"As ridiculous as it might seem, it also shows how caught up the fans get in an emotional and historically awesome series like this."
"We hit the quadfecta of bias!"
"Please somebody tell me what we're looking at. He's out!"
"Many of you are fueled by many things. Most of them are not athleticism to make that jump."
"This is the portion of the program where we off a mea culpa."
"I'm still a White Sox fan. Sometimes I have to question why."
"I was in Chicago all week and had no discussions about being the manager."
"Can't hide when you're dressed like that. And if you suck that bad, you deserve it."
"George would roll over in his grave right now."