Virginia Tech wrestler Caleb Henson dropped an F-bomb in his interview shortly after winning a national championship. He quickly apologized. Photo Credit: ESPN Photo Credit: ESPN

Live TV has its ups and downs. The obvious benefit is it creates a real, raw feeling to what you’re watching. The drawback — at least for those who run TV stations — is that some words that will displease the censors will occasionally make it through.

That’s exactly what happened during ESPN’s coverage of the NCAA Division I Wrestling Championships on Saturday.

Virginia Tech sophomore Caleb Henson claimed the national championship at 149 pounds, securing the title with a 15-7 win over Michigan graduate student Austin Gomez in the final. After celebrating with his family, Henson went over for a post-match interview with Quint Kessenich. But before that got underway, Henson was mobbed by his teammates, who lifted him on their shoulders. Once that was over, the interview resumed.

Naturally, Kessenich asked Henson about that.

“Those are my boys,” Henson said. “Those are my brothers…those are my ******* guys.”

Henson quickly moved his mouth over his head and said “sorry” before the interview continued.

From a network perspective, this is less than ideal. That said, those who saw Henson’s interview — as well as the match that came before it — generally loved his raw reaction.

[Photo Credit: ESPN]

About Michael Dixon

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-- Bay Area born and raised, currently living in the Indianapolis area.
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