Following last year’s critically acclaimed documentary series “A Season With Notre Dame Football,” Showtime is back for a second season of the college football Hard Knocks-type show with “A Season With Florida State Football.”
The series will premiere on Tuesday, September 6 at 10 p.m. ET/PT on Showtime and the date is significant because it’s the day after the Seminoles’ 2016 season opener against Mississippi so there will be a short turnaround for footage from that game.
Certainly Florida State is a compelling choice with all of the things that have happened with the football program over the past few years, so there won’t be a lack of material for the series.
The official announcement has a quote from Florida State coach Jimbo Fisher:
“We are very excited to partner with Showtime this season and eager to give college football fans a unique look into our program,” said Head Coach Jimbo Fisher. “At Florida State, we have a tremendous family atmosphere, and we are looking forward to showcasing what makes FSU football special.”
Florida State enters the 2016 campaign as one of the favorites to be in this season’s College Football Playoff so seeing the behind the scenes of the program will be quite interesting to watch. It also marks the first time Florida State has granted access to cameras for inside looks during the season.
In addition, the show will run every Tuesday at 10 p.m. throughout the season.
Showtime has provided this video previewing the new season of “A Season With Florida State Football”:
Certainly an interesting choice for the second season of “A Season With.”
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