A few days ago we told you about TMZ botching an “exclusive” report on Brady Quinn, who claimed he never talked to the official gossip rag of Fox Sports 1 even though he was quoted by TMZ.  The article was wiped from existence and deleted from the internet as TMZ tried to pretend their errant reporting didn’t happen.

If you thought that snafu would have caused TMZ to act more carefully and check and recheck their facts the next time around…. think again.

WITHIN THE NEXT DAY, TMZ was at it again.  This time, they released video of a bar fight alleging to feature Los Angeles Dodgers star Yasiel Puig.  Immediately upon release though, people were skeptical that it was actually Puig in the video.



A short time later, TMZ had to retract their report that it was indeed not Puig:

The video we posted showing a man fighting another outside of Blue Martini in Miami is not Yasiel Puig.

TMZ Sports previously reported the video showed Puig based on representations made by people present at the club. But we have now determined he is not in the video.

As we previously reported, Puig was involved in an fight at the bar on Thanksgiving Eve — but this is not that fight.

We all might laugh and poke fun at this story, and TMZ’s increasing propensity to get stories wrong… but could you imagine if this had happened for the Ray Rice video?  What if it wasn’t really Donald Sterling on those tapes?  Those would be f— ups of the highest proportion.  TMZ has broken some major sports stories much to the credit, but the more mistakes they make like these, the harder it will be to take them seriously.

Here are a few other people who DEFINITELY ARE NOT YASIEL PUIG to help out TMZ in case this kind of confusion ever arises again…


There, that should make sure a mistake like this never happens again…

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