You know the NFL offseason has arrived when analyst Herm Edwards is providing analysis of four-legged animals.
Let me explain. See, tragically — and as a devotee to old-school journalism and the value of legitimate news, I’m using that word sans sarcasm — the most gripping national news story on Thursday pertained to a pair of llamas that somehow got loose and took to the streets of a Phoenix-area retirement community.
Video footage — which I’m sure you’ve probably seen if you or any of your close friends have an internet connection — reveals that llamas, while not fleet of hoof, are quite agile and evasive.
Analyst Herm Edwards took some time to break down the performances of both llamas, but seemed to be most impressed with the lassoing skills from the cowboy/official/lassoer who ultimately nabbed the larger white camelid.
Actually, the entire breakdown from Edwards is surprisingly awesome.
“They can’t catch,” he said, deadpan. “I do know that. They have no hands. Now, they can jump obviously. They’re very athletic. They can change direction, but how do you get them the ball? That’s the problem.”
He actually took a moment to make a serious analogy (in sort of a backwards way) to draft prospects who have all of the physical attributes you want but lack the ability to catch the football, but most of it was just about some midday levity on the four-letter network.
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