Last night on the ESPN MNF Postgame, Rick Reilly was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He was seen on camera directing Stuart Scott to give him credit for breaking Ben Roethlisberger's shoulder injury on Twitter even though he clearly didn't break Ben Roethlisberger's shoulder injury on Twitter. Rick Reilly, former 12 time National Sportswriter of the Year, was that desperate to get credit for breaking injury news everyone else already knew.
That awkward piece of footage is growing in legend as ESPN NFL reporter Ed Werder took this (apparent) shot at Reilly on his Twitter page this afternoon…
How much of this is real and how much of this is sarcasm from Werder is impossible to tell without a sarcasm font. (C'mon Twitter!) Buuuuut… Werder just recently deleted the tweet, so we're thinking he may have gotten word from up above that it's not best to publicly call out the multi-million dollar star pundit whatever the case may be. One has to imagine the honest reporters at ESPN don't necessarily appreciate Reilly and his albatross of a contract trying to impede on their turf.
Still, the thought of ESPN reporters and personalities cannibalizing each other is sure to send all of us into a drunken stupor. Maybe Ed Werder is the one to lead a revolution at ESPN, now that he's free from Brett Favre Watch that is…
UPDATE: And since today is now officially "Pile on Rick Reilly Day", here's Mike Francesa ripping Reilly courtesy Jimmy Traina…