(Usually) Everyday I’ll throw out a photo from the AP or one of the bigger sites and you provide the caption. Hilarity ensues. I’m also adding a handful of links at the bottom of the page that you should check out each day.

Monday’s Winners….

“You wait’ll Dan Snyder hears about this! Oh, wait…”- Anon

“For goodness sake, refs! I don’t need your help, I can blow this game on my own!”- Wade Robertson

“FFFF-Oh shit, it’s Hochuli. Turn around, turn around, turn around!”- Gorgonzola

“Only I didn’t say “Fudge.” I said THE word, the big one, the queen-mother of dirty words, the “F-dash-dash-dash” word!”- Mark Mc

Norv Turner: “Ooh.Fluggengegeholen!!”
Madame Vandersexxx : “Did you say fluggegecheimen?”
Norv Turner: “Yes! Yes! For the love of god, fluggengecheimen!!!!”
Madame Vandersexxx: “Are you sure?”
Norv Turner: “Yes, please!”
Madame Vandersexxx: “As you wish. Bring on the fluggeecheimen!”
– Jeremy

(A Christmas Story quote and a Euro Trip quote on the same photo. I’m impressed by your collective range.)

Are you funny enough to create a caption for this photo of DeSean Jackson and the best touchdown celebration ever?

Daily Links:

Best. Celebration. Ever (Mister Irrelevant)
DeSean Jackson And Other Sports Morons (Rumors and Rants)
Missed This Oliver-Buck Exchange. Good Stuff. (Pro Football Talk)
Lions Fans Are Not Having Fun (World Of Issac)
The Playoff Bound Cubs Can Be A Spoiler (Simon On Sports)
A Random Goat Is Terrorizing Cubs Fans (Mouthpiece Sports)
Starbucks Punts The Seattle (Satire) (E True Sports)
Super Tea Baggin’ (HHR)
F-Rod For MVP (The Big Picture)
Before Eddie Gunz There Was This Guy (Luols Dong)
An Awesome Barry Bonds Fan In STL (Joe Sports Fan)
David Beckham Is A Model For Victoria (Part Mule)

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