Photographer bonked in head by Trevor Siemian pass during Jets-Commanders
At least we got a cool photo out of it.
At least we got a cool photo out of it.
The NFL hit new heights on Thanksgiving this year.
The Cowboys are America's team whether you love them, or you love to hate them...
Longtime CBS broadcaster Jim Nantz has long been regarded as one of the best in the business. And...
"We've got Brown on Brown crime. Right up top."
"If you haven't been in those trenches, then how can you really, really speak about it?"
"The sheer audacity of the outfit says, ‘I don’t give no F’s. Zero of ’em.' And you wanna run this on regular, syndicated, network TV? You can’t!"
If Dog still feels the need for a high five, Josh Harris is probably available.
McMurray brought in a great cross-sports reference here.
Washington Commanders owner Josh Harris went in for an all-time awkward handshake with ESPN's Joe Buck during a MNF preseason telecast.
Smoot remained behind bars as of Friday morning, per the Washington Post.
"My attempts to be humorous and topical backfired, and I needlessly deprecated a professional colleague."
"Not only does he have a personal history, but more importantly...the team has a history that they’re battling with here."
"We were confident that iHeart would address this swiftly and are pleased that they did."
"I told them this when they hired me, I'm never quitting. You're gonna have to fire me."
"If there ever was a wake-up call for the family, it probably was that moment..."
"I’m gonna have to dip into my savings, but I want everyone to have a beer."
"I always thought it was kind of a cool thing. Not a bad thing to have a team named after, the Indians or vice versa, whatever, the Washington Redskins. All that stuff."
"NFL Films wants volunteers, not hostages."
"I promise you, Magic Johnson ain't gonna be in those rooms and be quiet."
The news of the day in the NFL on Thursday centered around Washington D.C. At long last, Dan...
"I'm like head-over-heels excited about that process."
The Commanders are losing their long-time cable partner.