JJ Watt and CBS pull off epic troll on Titans with fake studio update
"Guys this must be a mistake, but I'm going to do it anyway."
"Guys this must be a mistake, but I'm going to do it anyway."
"You scared him...You scared the poor kid."
You have a future. And by the way, any down time you have, you're up in the booth."
"I can't remember the last time something this bad — and blatant — took place on replay."
"I think that's the dumbest damn rule I've ever heard."
"Jamie [Moyer]'s so old, Brad might be digging him up."
"I have to get an AirTag, cause I get lost."
"I’m sure if there’s a little bug in there, that Major League Baseball would be right on top of it to fix it."
"He's there fielding the throw." "The interpretation of the rule is such that you cannot do this."
"I think it looks damn good."
"It scared the heck out of me. Those things have big heads."
"It's just way too early, if you're the umpire, to do this."
"I hope some of those moms on that show weren't like that in real life. … They've got some issues, man."
"That thing had the whole plate, and it was down the middle."
"I love that name."
"Goodness gracious! That is just terrible!"
"It's on its way...and it hits the right upright. Incomplete."
"Oh! Stay fair! Yes!"
"Something’s going on over there at first base...I haven’t put my finger on it."
"I'm not a big fan. Be a little bit more professional about it. Salt in the wound."
"I was squirrel huntin’ up in Moorefield, West Virginia."
The Phillies are keeping their play by play broadcasters around for awhile.
Keeping fans engaged during a blowout can be a challenge, but Amaro Jr. entertained the audience by taking things into his own hands.