Stephen A. Smith: ‘I was neutralized to some degree by my employers’
'...Nobody thought that I would resonate, because they didn’t know.'
'...Nobody thought that I would resonate, because they didn’t know.'
"I want to do color commentary this next year. I'm putting it out there."
"I'm gonna show you in the Octagon I'm good."
"Troy knows damn well people gambled on the game when he played."
"The definition of insanity is doing things over and over and over, in a way you see fit -- and expecting different results,"
"You should ask can you come back for two more years and after next year, file for a medical redshirt so you can come back again."
"Y'all wanna get clicks, so y'all mention me."
"You hooked him up to a plow and turned him into a plow horse. Now he can’t even plow anymore."
"I believe you can stand up for your friends without taking a shot at your teammates. And I felt he was taking a shot at First Take."
"You didn't win no award."
"If it wasn't raining we would have seen you wet the bed."
"Y'all need to put y'all money together and take out an ad in The Post, Page Six, The New York Times, The Daily News..."
"Tom is the wrong messenger when he benefitted, when he was one of the most beneficiaries of the rule change to protect the quarterback."
Deion Sanders continued a successful wave of recruiting with four highly ranked prospects committing on Shannon Sharpe's Nightcap podcast.
"If you not careful, you'll become the very thing you despise the most in a person."
"Ain't one player on that team got a damn brand because you ain't won nothing -- because you don't care about winning."
The first sitdown between Sharpe and Williams was viewed 83 million times on YouTube and reportedly put $6 million in Sharpe's pockets.
"Yeah, we know what he is. We know what he's done. But we haven't seen him play like this."
"I did tell Bronny to just relax, enjoy it, be you."
"They don't care nothing about no winning. They care about clicks, they care about getting the bag."
"I can teach you to swim if you're not afraid of the water. If you're afraid of water, I can't teach you how to swim."
"Y'all happy that you got a quarterback that's distinguished, that's credentialed, but your record stays the same. I'm confused."
"More than one person went to the moon. That's the way I look at it."
"I was never going to apologize because I don't believe I did anything wrong."