Dana White reveals CBS nearly bought UFC before he torpedoed deal
"I thought their production sucked, I thought they were terrible at what they did."
"I thought their production sucked, I thought they were terrible at what they did."
Moonves reportedly banned Jackson from MTV and VH1 in the aftermath of the halftime show.
Moonves is one of the media world's most powerful people, and these detailed, on-the-record accusations could have a big impact.
Moonves was having dinner with NBC’s Al Michaels when asked about Eli Manning.
So far, NFL advertisers have been all talk on anthem protests.
Moonves apparently wants to return sports television to scores and highlights.
"Perhaps instead of there being five breaks, there are four breaks that are slightly longer."
The NFL needs broadcast TV. It wants broadcast TV for the biggest audience, says the CBS CEO.
Pressure is now coming from the networks for the NFL to do something about pace of play
CBS CEO Les Moonves discussed a lot of topics at a conference Monday, but it’s his take on...