John Kruk scares kid next to Phillies broadcast booth while Tom McCarthy cracks up
"You scared him...You scared the poor kid."
"You scared him...You scared the poor kid."
"I think that's the dumbest damn rule I've ever heard."
"He’s gonna win the game for the Phillies."
"Jamie [Moyer]'s so old, Brad might be digging him up."
"I have to get an AirTag, cause I get lost."
"I’m sure if there’s a little bug in there, that Major League Baseball would be right on top of it to fix it."
"I don't know what goes on in the TV world besides watching Phillies games and wrestling."
"The delightfully bizarre musings of Phillies commentator John Kruk."
"A wild pitch, something."
"The way this game is going, send a few up here."
"How did they come up with the name ‘cup’?"
"I think it looks damn good."
"Netflix is here doing a thing on the Red Sox...And they wanted to talk about maybe doing the Phillies."
"I wouldn't let my kids watch it."
"It scared the heck out of me. Those things have big heads."
"He’s not stealing them. The umpire is dang missing them!"
"I hope some of those moms on that show weren't like that in real life. … They've got some issues, man."
Sometimes announcers tell stories to pass the time during MLB broadcasts. None has a story quite like John Kruk.
"I love that name."
"Oh, man. What am I doing over there?"
"No grand slams for Spencer Steer, let’s hope that continues."
"Bro, I feel like a fat boy."
"You’re gonna be a hell of a dad, my friend."
“Me and my damn big mouth.”