Netflix’s ‘The Final: Attack on Wembley’ revisits unruly fan behavior at England’s first Euro final
A frightening situation occurred when 6,000 ticketless fans stormed Wembley Stadium in 2021.
A frightening situation occurred when 6,000 ticketless fans stormed Wembley Stadium in 2021.
"America! Stand up and take this sport back!"
The duo also made racist comments during the women's and men's diving competitions and mimicked the way that Chinese people speak Italian.
"I totally understand. My boobs are real."
“What we were doing was considering how TV coverage can best explain the beauty of Italian football. We do that continually and the basic idea is to avoid dwelling on ugly incidents.
Saying Lukaku could only be stopped by giving him bananas to eat was a terrible remark, and one that led to Passirani being banned from Milan station Telelombardi.
This UBS report was...not impressive. But that didn't stop Bloomberg from covering it.