Brian Windhorst roasts Stephen A. Smith’s suggestion Lakers consider signing Dwight Howard
"Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's a free agent."
"Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's a free agent."
"You've gotta choose a side."
"If I'm married and my wife is going to join trolling her ex, go back to his ass. 'Cause clearly you don't belong with me."
"The cap is going up each year. We just got new TV deals."
"I’m gonna be straight. I’m gonna be honest, I’m not gonna get personal. And more importantly, I’m not trying to disrupt the business."
"I believe everybody is telling the truth. I never believe that in the NBA when it comes to what they say in the media."
"Keep on hating because I'm gonna keep on winning."
"If he's settled with being in L.A., that's because of a lifestyle decision, it ain't because of a basketball decision."
"It sounds like Liam Neeson in Taken."
"When Deshaun Watson was accused of these things, we were all over it. Justin Tucker is not getting a pass"
"I know that’s not the popular pick, I’m not trying to be popularized!"
"We know that he's not ready yet!"
"I watched eight minutes on my phone of this thing. Because I was awestruck"
"He didn’t come to me initially and say this is what’s going on. I found out on my own."
Morris Chestnut is an accomplished actor, but after his First Take appearance it's clear he could have easily been a top sports personality.
"Owed an apology for what?"
"I shouldn't do that and call people that."
"He wants the NBA to think about what he can do if they don't acquiesce."
Based on recent history, expect Jerry Jones' search for a new coach to drag on.
"We've got receipts of you talking about Sam Darnold! ... I'll parade them all over the world."
"The Doggie had gone international!"
"I can't want something for you more than you want it for yourself."