Audible fart hilariously derails Andrei Vasilevskiy’s postgame press conference
"What was the question?"
"What was the question?"
"Someone told me, who worked with Keith Jones, he had an inordinate amount of gas."
"I know because I don’t eat hot dogs like that, and I pass gas sometimes. You understand what I’m saying? At least a few times a day."
"Sorry about that."
Shortly after the possible fart, the play-by-play announcer noted there was a timely foul "on the push."
"On the one hand I’m glad that he laughed so loud, it must have been funny. On the other hand I’m really terrified of a guy that if you laugh really loud, can’t control the bowels."
Orlovsky has also offered Twitter defenses against his alleged fart, including "My mic is on my face not my butt."
"BREAKING: I let one go on air today."
"It wasn't a fart. But Tom Izzo has just retweeted that and Tom said 'it still could have been a fart.'"