Bob Wischusen called a squirrel touchdown during Oklahoma-Ole Miss
"Squirrel might score a touchdown! Oh yeah, touchdown!"
"Squirrel might score a touchdown! Oh yeah, touchdown!"
"Zach Lujan brought a jackrabbit with him from South Dakota State!"
"Oh, they're not even leaving the ballpark! They're flying in!"
That's a relatively uncommon golf interruption.
Fox cited the 12,000 pigs Barnes' family farm raised as "Most in FBS" on a graphic, while ESPN College GameDay did a full feature where they went to the farm.
"He's waiting for his opportunity."
"Maybe AI will send a message to the robot to get rid of this."
Bissonnette had previously said "I do the farm noises, the legends don't."
"Old women have 'em."
"The Mets guys made a big deal of that possum."
"It actually didn’t have any smell. I’m sure if it had a foul smell it would have really distracted me. It wasn't normal, but I liked the experience."
"They've got to look to maybe signing this guy!" "He's got some moves!"
That's one way to pick up a new bat, all right.
Alexander Dunlop was just trying to do a simple report on counting animals. And then the lemurs showed up.