Jim Nantz ‘felt like I was not prepared’ to call NCAA national championship game
"I was shaking a little bit and my voice was definitely trembling."
"I was shaking a little bit and my voice was definitely trembling."
"There’s nothing I can do, say or write to turn the NCAA into an organization with moral standards."
"My nostalgia or sentimentality is usually born out of gratitude as opposed to a feeling of sadness."
Lefkoe said an impressive thing about Robbie Hummel as an analyst is how much he studied the game while playing, and while injured. "All of that was put to good use to build up the repertoire for what he does now."
"Our friend, our leader, our mortar, the guy I feel kind of keeps this whole thing together and has done it so eloquently and masterfully and respectfully for so long, it's crazy. It's still surreal that it's come to an end."