We can label it an epic meltdown, blown gasket, or mind-losing tirade. But Don La Greca rants deserve to be placed in a category of their own.
Monday afternoon, the “days without a La Greca rant” sign had to be erased when Walt from New Jersey called ESPN New York’s The Michael Kay Show. There, he complained the Yankees aren’t winning their games early enough.
“People don’t realize they award extra points if you win the game earlier in the contest,” La Greca responded sarcastically. “So, I’ve got a team that stinks! I got a team that can’t catch fly balls. I’ve got pitchers that can’t fire strikes. I’ve got guys that can’t run the bases. It’s the Bad News Bears redux, with a major league team that’s got the highest payroll in the history of sports.
“And I’ve got people, grown men calling this show complaining the Yankees aren’t winning early enough in games. Screw! Go scratch yourself. I’m tired of it! Big babies. Big whiney little crying babies. Spoiled brats!”
La Greca is a Mets fan with real problems, in a baseball sense. He’s suffering through one of the most disappointing seasons in franchise history. With little tolerance for fans like Walt in New Jersey demanding the Yankees jump out to bigger and earlier leads, La Greca’s rage took him just short of tearing apart the studio.
“I’ve got a bunch of guys where it’s like they’re humping a football instead of actually playing baseball,” La Greca yelled about the Mets. “So I don’t want to hear from you. I don’t want to hear it…we didn’t win early enough? My team’s seven games under .500!”
Although his name is yet to be featured on The Michael Kay Show, La Greca has entertained New York sports fans with his patented rants for decades. In fact, the only radio personality who can compete with La Greca’s rants might be his brother, SiriusXM host Dave La Greca.
“These people are functional morons and I’m tired of having to deal with it,” La Greca continued of callers like Walt in New Jersey. “22 years I’m gonna be at this radio station. Every day I walk into this studio is a miracle that my head doesn’t explode.”
[The Michael Kay Show, The New York Post]