Former NFL linebacker Channing Crowder loses a tooth live on air Wednesday

For the second time in as many weeks, former Miami Dolphins linebacker and current WQAM Miami radio host Channing Crowder lost a tooth while live on the air.

On April 19 during a discussion about the Cavinder Twins on Hochman and Crowder, the ex-NFL player appeared to have lost his tooth, which was later confirmed in a slow-motion replay of the video feed.

Crowder appeared to have remedied the problem in the time since, but last week it happened again.

Crowder was in the middle of a response when the tooth again flew out and crashed to the floor, sending Marc Hochman and producer Alejandro Solana into a fit of laughter.

“What a weird affliction to have that your teeth keep popping out,” Hochman noted, before suggesting Crowder see a professional to get his tooth reinsterted. Crowder was able to explain what happened, though, saying, “I tried to glue it myself. I don’t think the Gorilla Glue did it.”

Hochman also likened Crowder’s dental woes to a pitcher forgetting how to throw strikes. “You remember Rick Ankiel, the pitcher? All of a sudden, he couldn’t throw a strike,” Hochman said. “If you’re a talk show host and your teeth just keep popping out, like that’s the yips.”

It’ll be interesting to see if Crowder’s dental issues are behind him or if it’s just a matter of time before his tooth comes out again.

[560 WQAM]