Not even a week after expressing his disgust over Donald Trump’s election lies, Mike Francesa made a wisecrack about the soon-to-be 47th President of the United States.
“The Sports Pope” sure loves himself a presidential election. And because he has an affinity for politics and talking about politics, Francesa weighed in on Trump’s 2020 election fraud claims, saying it was an annoyance and something he was sick of hearing.
“I would hope that win or lose, Trump would take a defeat in stride,” Francesa said.
Even before ballots were being counted, Trump falsely claimed that there was “talk” about a lot of cheating in Philadelphia.
He’s losing.
— Bakari Sellers (@Bakari_Sellers) November 5, 2024
Those accusations were baseless and went nowhere.
But as he cruised to a landslide win in both the Electoral College and the popular vote over Vice President Kamala Harris, there were few complaints about the integrity of the 2024 election, and Francesa took note.
“There is part of this country, and I think a very big part of the male population that votes is not yet ready to have the face of this nation be a female. And it’s pretty obvious, he lost to Biden,” said Francesa. “And, if you noticed last night, all of a sudden, as soon as he took the lead, there were no accusations about any (fraud). It’s amazing how secure the election became as soon as the numbers went the right way.
“I mean, there’s no talk about it at all today. There was talk of it earlier last night, and then all of a sudden, as soon as the numbers started to break for him, ‘Hey, everything’s secure!’ ‘Everything’s great!’ ‘Oh, wow, what a job they did!’ ‘Wow, this is amazing how good this is!’ ‘I mean, what a system!’ We all know what that was about, okay? He got beat squarely and soundly by the man he ran against. And he beat the two females he ran against. That’s what history’s gonna show.”
History will also show that Francesa was never a fan of Trump’s election lies.
In 2016, Francesa was a staunch Trump supporter, believing the polarizing businessman and media personality was “a builder” out to build a better country, not someone just looking to feed his ego. However, Francesa’s opinion of Trump turned in 2020 when he ripped the president’s inept handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and ultimately voted for Biden.
Last year, Francesa dubbed Trump “unelectable.”
The American people disagreed.