Cassidy Hubbarth Cassidy Hubbarth on Short and to the Point

Host Jessica Kleinschmidt interviews ESPN NBA reporter/host Cassidy Hubbarth. Jessica and Cassidy discuss a wide range of topics including growing up in Chicago during the Bulls’ dynasty, Filipino culture and the NBA, trying to keep family life private as a public figure, being a mom, and more.

Here’s the full breakdown.

  • 2:15: Welcome Cassidy Hubbarth to Short and to the Point
  • 2:21: Growing up in Chicago during the Bulls’ dynasty
  • 4:29: Stopping yourself from saying “we”
  • 5:39: How has fandom changed now that Cassidy is in sports media?
  • 7:18: Finding the balance between being a reporter and being a fan
  • 9:26: Changes in digital media since Cassidy started
  • 13:32: People being anti-digital at first
  • 16:22: Filipino culture and basketball
  • 19:32: Working with Nikko Ramos
  • 21:41: Women in sports media/growing the sideline reporter position
  • 23:22: Learning not to compare yourself to others
  • 26:06: Adjusting work/life balance after becoming a mom
  • 28:46: Advice to someone in sports media who wants to be a mom
  • 31:45: Sneaker culture
  • 34:27: Compliments
  • 35:47: Balancing comfort and style
  • 39:48: Parenting advice Part 2
  • 45:34: Keeping family life private

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About Phillip Bupp

Producer/editor of the Awful Announcing Podcast and Short and to the Point. News editor for The Comeback and Awful Announcing. Highlight consultant for Major League Soccer as well as a freelance writer for hire. Opinions are my own but feel free to agree with them.

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @phillipbupp