While Panthers kicker Eddy Pineiro's 27-yard field goal against the Buccaneers was routine, the sequence that led to it was anything but. Photo Credit: Fox Photo Credit: Fox

Kicker Eddy Pineiro made a 27-yard field goal at the end of the second quarter to give the Carolina Panthers a 13-10 halftime lead over the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. While that’s a relatively normal sequence in an NFL game, getting to that kick was anything but.

It started the play before. On a third-and-three, it looked like Carolina scored a touchdown on an eight-yard touchdown pass from Bryce Young to Adam Thielen. While the play was ruled incomplete, it was reviewed.

While the review was going on, Fox went to commercial.

During the commercial break, the ruling on the play was upheld. When Fox returned to the game, Pineiro immediately booted the ball through the uprights. The officials whistled that play dead, though, rendering Pineiro’s kick moot.

While the confusion was being sorted out, Mike Pereira looked at the previous play.

“I thought right here, he has the ball. Knee, elbow in. And does it move right here? That’s what they’re saying. Not enough to overturn the call,” Pereira said.

While Pereira was talking, Pineiro and the Panthers once again lined up for the field goal. Once again, it was moot. This time, the Buccaneers called time-out before the ball was snapped. That gave Pereira a chance to explain the review in more detail.

“Obviously he got down in bounds with both a knee and an elbow,” Pereira noted. “But you never really got a shot that showed that he controlled it when he hit the ground out of bounds. Without that clear and obvious shot that there was no movement of the ball, that there was no loss of possession, they just had to stay with what the ruling was — which was incomplete pass.”

Finally, after several minutes of dead time, Pineiro off got a kick that counted.

While his short kick wasn’t exactly dead center, it was good.

[Photo Credit: Fox]

About Michael Dixon

About Michael:
-- Writer/editor for thecomeback.com and awfulannouncing.com.
-- Bay Area born and raised, currently living in the Indianapolis area.
-- Twitter:
@mfdixon1985 (personal).
@michaeldixonsports (work).
-- Email: mdixon@thecomeback.com
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