Jameis Winston impressed the "Monday Night Countdown" crew with his breakdown speech to the Browns before Monday's game with the Broncos. Photo Credit: ESPN Photo Credit: ESPN

Throughout his football career, Jameis Winston has been known for giving good, passionate breakdowns — pregame speeches to his teammates.

That was no different on Monday, as Winston fired up his Cleveland Browns teammates shortly before their game with the Denver Broncos got underway. It left the Monday Night Countdown crew impressed.

As the Browns were exiting the field following their warmups, ESPN cameras picked up Winston’s speech to his teammates.

When he was done, both Jason Kelce and Ryan Clark discussed how for most players, the breakdown is often a chore.

“I don’t think you understand how much the breakdown is, like, just a ritual in the NFL,” Kelce said. “Like, ‘We have to go to the breakdown and everybody’s just gonna do it.’ That is an event for that team right there. Everyone is like, ‘Who knows what this dude is about to say? It is gonna be highly entertaining, probably hilarious and also filled with some great wisdom and advice.'”

“The best part about it is, and Jason knows this, it’s actually hard when they call upon you to do it every week,” Clark added. “Because there are some weeks, and I’m just being real, there’s some weeks, you’re playing a team and you ain’t really that fired up. You truly are going about it as, ‘This is my job and I want to do it well.'”

“You only have so many go-to stories, Kelce said. “It’s amazing the endless amount, Jameis has in there.”

“I wished him a happy Thanksgiving. He told me to eat some dubs. We were fresh out at my house,” Scott Van Pelt said.

Van Pelt then made an undeniable observation about Winston.

“That man is one of one.”

[Photo Credit: ESPN]

About Michael Dixon

About Michael:
-- Writer/editor for thecomeback.com and awfulannouncing.com.
-- Bay Area born and raised, currently living in the Indianapolis area.
-- Twitter:
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@michaeldixonsports (work).
-- Email: mdixon@thecomeback.com
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