There are four Sweet Sixteen games airing Thursday night, with two going at a time, and that may be what led to CBS/Turner halftime host Greg Gumbel mixing up which team he was talking about. While discussing the Florida State-Gonzaga game, he said “Purdue’s got to hit some threes” (Purdue is playing Tennessee), and was quickly roasted by analyst Kenny Smith:
“You switched games on us, partner. That’s okay, I know where he’s going,” Smith said. Clark Kellogg chimed in with “He’s a step ahead!” and Gumbel said “And it’s early, too!” Then Smith added “When you work here, Greg is never wrong, so Purdue has to do that” before pivoting to Florida State analysis. (This clip also contains a Dave Hodge-style pen flip from Gumbel, although on a much less exasperated note.) And later, Charles Barkley got in on the mockery, saying “I’m just surprised Virginia is up this much at the half.” (Virginia plays Oregon later.)
That’s an understandable mistake, but the studio crew deservedly had some fun with it.
[Ken Fang on Clippit]