One of the currently remarkable broadcasting runs is from ESPN NBA analyst Hubie Brown. The 90-year-old Brown is in his 50th year of working in the NBA, whether as a coach or a broadcaster, He started broadcasting in 1981 with USA and CBS, and while he’s left the booth for several coaching stints over the years (most recently with the Memphis Grizzlies from 2002-04), much of his work over the last almost four decades has been as a broadcaster with CBS, TNT, and ABC/ESPN (since 2004 in the latter case).
Brown recently spoke to Ryan Glasspiegel of The New York Post about his longevity in broadcasting and what keeps him going. There, he had some particularly interesting remarks on the audience and the importance of preparation:
“Never underestimate the IQ of the audience,” Brown said, speaking in a universal sense as opposed to just broadcasting basketball.
“Whether I’m speaking to a practice session as a coach, or to coaches at a convention, or to major corporations, which I did for many years — you never underestimate the IQ of the audience. And I never go to an event unless the preparation is there.”
…“No matter how good you’re going to have it in life, always remember you’re half a step from the street,” Brown’s father told him.
“That is imprinted on my brain,” Brown said.
“Always be prepared. Never cheat the audience. When I was a high school coach, you wanted to give them 55 minutes in the classroom, and then you wanted to be able to develop their talents and take them to a high level in athletics.”
Brown also told Glasspiegel the value he places on fitness (he maintains a swimming regimen) and rest (he no longer watches most West Coast games live). And he spoke about the importance of good broadcast teammates, including play-by-play partners and his producer and director. But it’s his comments on preparation and audience respect that perhaps particularly stand out, and have him not just maintaining high-profile broadcasting jobs at 90, but still being a favorite broadcaster for many viewers.