The NBC Sports California graphic's team made a stunningly accurate typo with its description of the White Sox. Photo Credit: NBC Sports California While they are officially the White Sox, the Shite Sox label also felt appropriate. Photo Credit: NBC Sports California

It has not been a great season for either the Oakland Athletics or Chicago White Sox. On Saturday night, those two world collided.

Now, you may be looking at MLB’s schedule and thinking, “Wait a minute, the A’s and White Sox didn’t even play. How did their worlds collide?” It was in a graphic aired on NBC Sports California during Oakland’s loss to the Texas Rangers.”

The graphic was meant to show that the Rangers have the American League’s worst bullpen ERA since Aug. 16. That’s exactly what it did. The Los Angeles Angels, Boston Red Sox and Detroit Tigers were four of the other teams in the bottom five. The other team shown on the graphic was the White Sox. Or, in this case, the Shite Sox.

The year has been awful for the A’s on the field and hasn’t been much better in the broadcast booth. Longtime play-by-play man Glen Kuiper was fired. In a July game, Kuiper’s replacement, Johnny Doskow and color commentator Dallas Braden were both identified as “FIRSTNAME LASTNAME” on an NBC Sports California chyron.

So, it hasn’t been a great year for that team.

On the other hand, while we’re not going to assume that the A’s graphics team meant to call them the “Shite Sox,” it is quite accurate. It’s been a miserable season for the White Sox. Their front office, players and fans are all quite aware of this. Heck, Chicago’s former play-by-play guy and No. 1 White Sox homer, Hawk Harrelson, even couldn’t hide his contempt for the team.

So, the “Shite Sox” label wasn’t met with much opposition.

We’ll go ahead and call this a Freudian slip.

[Photo Credit: NBC Sports California]

About Michael Dixon

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-- Bay Area born and raised, currently living in the Indianapolis area.
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