Cole Wright and Cliff Floyd on Marquee Sports Network Photo credit: Marquee Sports Network

Being on live television and talking about bubble guts is never a good thing. Actually, bubble guts in general are just never a good thing.

Cubs Live! hosts Cole Wright and Cliff Floyd were on Marquee Sports Network over the weekend waiting for a commercial break to end, but the app appeared to do them dirty with a hot mic and camera. Wright and Floyd were unknowingly live for at least 40 seconds during the break, with Van Wesley, who hosts the 49erscast podcast, sharing video of the hilarious interaction that was never meant for the airwaves.

As both hosts vehemently cleared their throats while waiting to go live, Floyd took a sip from his mug and said something about hot water being good for digestion. Wright seemed to agree that hot water can be good for digestion, albeit too good.

“All the hot water you can all night and you got bubble guts deluxe,” Wright said before grabbing at his torso and grimacing to mimic suffering from a stomach ailment.

“Disgusting,” Floyd noted before taking another sip.

This may have been the first time the phrase “bubble guts deluxe” was ever uttered during a sports broadcast. Despite the historical feat, the best part of this video may have occurred after Wright and Floyd knew they were live. With most of the audience not necessarily being aware of the “bubble guts” conversation that was happening off-air, Wright referenced Floyd’s hot water.

“Alright Cubs fans, Cliff’s drinking that magic elixir,” Wright shrewdly said as he threw it to Floyd after seamlessly transitioning out of the break. What a pro.

A magic elixir that causes bubble guts seems like the worst kind of magic and the worst kind of drink. But as someone who is a big proponent of drinking plain hot water, I can thankfully and honestly say bubble guts has never been an issue or repercussion from the beverage. I guess that magic elixir hits everyone a little differently.

[Cubs Live!]

About Brandon Contes

Brandon Contes is a staff writer for Awful Announcing and The Comeback. He previously helped carve the sports vertical for Mediaite and spent more than three years with Barrett Sports Media. Send tips/comments/complaints to