Dan Le Batard now regrets his take on fans interfering after seeing Yankees fans doing so in Game 4 of the World Series against the Dodgers. Credit: Dan Le Batard Show with Stugotz

Dan Le Batard has likely had numerous moments from the Dan Le Batard Show over the years that he wishes he could take back. Still, on Wednesday, he revealed his single biggest regret-filled statement on the show, which was a recent one relating to the interference from an obnoxious pair of Yankees fans during Game 4 of the World Series on Wednesday night.

Those who tuned into the elimination game in New York likely saw the pair of fans interfering with Dodgers right fielder Mookie Betts in the first inning of Tuesday’s game.

Unfortunately, the story didn’t end when the Yankees recorded the final out.

The attention-seeking fans were a talking point amongst sports media pundits on Wednesday ahead of Game 5 of the series.

On Wednesday’s edition of the Dan Le Batard Show, Le Batard admitted to previously wishing that a Dodgers fan would interfere with San Diego Padres players attempting to catch a home run earlier this postseason. But after seeing how wrong things can go in that situation on Tuesday night, he regrets ever saying that on his show.

“I’m about to admit something that it’s hard for me to admit,” said Le Batard. “Stugotz, you’re always making fun of me — correctly — about the fact that I have a need to be right. And what I am telling you is that this particular video that I am going to stop so you can see the fans on this face represents, to me, the single most wrong thing I have ever said in the history of this show.

“Which is, about ten days ago or so, I said that Dodger fans should actively interfere with a Padre going into left field to steal a home run. And at the time, I did not have the visual. Now that I have the visual, I cannot believe how wrong I was. Because freeze the face of the fan on the left here; it makes me hate New York so much that this person is now a celebrity.

“The fan on the left who is trying to catch this ball and makes the horrible face… Two New York fans are conspiring together. One’s holding (Mookie Betts’) wrists, and the other one is stealing an out of his glove unsuccessfully.

“And now both of them are famous, and I’ve never wanted New York to lose more. — and I’ve always wanted New York to lose the most. Because that fan can not be rewarded for that, never mind, with celebrity, they cannot win the series, so he feels that like that is in any way OK, and Stugotz and Billy are on his side.”

To Le Batard’s point, it is quite ridiculous that these fans are getting as much attention as they are now. But it is quite hard to pity him, considering he once wanted Dodgers fans to do the exact same thing. Even if what he envisioned may not have been as egregious as Tuesday’s instance of interference.

Regardless, Le Batard will be taking his hate-watching against the Yankees into Game 5, a matchup in which the two Yankees fans will not be in attendance after the organization and MLB agreed that they would be barred from Yankees Stadium.

[Dan Le Batard Show]

About Reice Shipley

Reice Shipley is a staff writer for Comeback Media that graduated from Ithaca College with a degree in Sports Media. He previously worked at Barrett Sports Media and is a fan of all things Syracuse sports.