The perils of live television before, during and after a sporting event. There’s always the danger that something is going to happen. We’ve seen reporters fall, drunk women trying to talk and just in general, people getting into the shot.
After Game 4 of this year’s Stanley Cup Final in Nashville, fans were in a very good mood as the Preds tied up the series with the Pittsburgh Penguins at two games apiece. As Chris Harris of Nashville’s NBC affiliate WSMV was setting the scene outside Bridgestone Arena, a couple decided to live in the moment and sucked face right on live television. What’s amazing is how long they kissed. Harris went on to do his report, introduced player locker room reaction, came back without seeing the couple, but later caught what they were doing and laughed it off:
Harris had the perfect summation:
“You see what’s happening here? We may have, like, conception going on … ‘do you remember when..’ I mean … Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? This is how it is in Smashville, baby! This is how it is in Smashville. Let’s send it back to you before we get in trouble.”
The news team back in the studio had a great reaction when Harris tossed back to the studio:
And even better, the couple was still going at it when the newscast ended. Holy frijoles!
It’s like the iconic photo of the sailor kissing a girl in Times Square at the end of World War II, but in this case, I’m sure we’ll find out the identity of the Nashville couple fairly soon. And kudos to Harris for coming up with the perfect lines for the situation.