The BBC's Alex Dunlop fending off lemurs during a segment.

Plenty of TV reporters have had to do segments under difficult conditions, but “being jumped by lemurs” stands out. That’s what happened to the BBC’s Alexander Dunlop this week, though. Dunlop was visiting the Banham Zoo (in the East Anglia region of England) for their annual counting of the animals, and while he was trying to film a segment, a crowd of lemurs started jumping on and around him, with a couple even biting him:

Those are some fired-up lemurs, all right. And credit to Dunlop for trying to persevere with his segment even in the midst of encroaching lemurs. “”And I’m at one of the region’s zoos where they’re doing their annual stocktakes of animals. Ow! Ow! Ow! … I think it’s one of the more enjoyable parts of the job, counting lemurs.” Well, it’s presumably more enjoyable if they’re not biting you. He did have a lighthearted take on it afterwards, though:

This is a memorable day at the office and no mistake. And it’s probably a good thing that most remote shoots don’t involve lemurs. But for those who do want to get up close and personal with the lemurs, ABC’s report on this has some advice:

For lemur fans looking for an experience slightly similar to Dunlop’s, the Banham Zoo offers a “Lemur Encounters” walk-through enclosure so animal lovers can get “up close with the charismatic but endangered lemurs of Madagascar.”

“Charismatic” is certainly one word to use there. It’s probably not the one Dunlop was thinking of.


About Andrew Bucholtz

Andrew Bucholtz has been covering sports media for Awful Announcing since 2012. He is also a staff writer for The Comeback. His previous work includes time at Yahoo! Sports Canada and Black Press.