Fans of Hard Knocks, at least those who watch on HBO Max, had issues watching the second episode of the season. Photo Credit: David Banks-USA TODAY Sports Credit: David Banks-USA TODAY Sports

Fans of Hard Knocks, at least those who watch on HBO Max, had issues watching the second episode of the season, focusing on the training camp and preseason of the Chicago Bears.

Episodes of Hard Knocks are normally available at 9 p.m. ET, or shortly thereafter. But at 9:08 ET, Courtney Cronin of ESPN went on X (formerly Twitter) to see if HBO Max users were having an issue watching the show.

“Anyone else with HBO Max unable to stream Hard Knocks?” Cronin asked.

As it turned out, the issue was not exclusive to Cronin. At 9:21, Sports on Max posted on X that the episode would be delayed.

“There is a delay for tonight’s episode of #HardKnocks: Training Camp with the @ChicagoBears on Max,” the message said. “The episode will be available soon.

The delay left fans, particularly those who cheer for the Bears, frustrated.

[Courtney Cronin on X, Sports on Max on X]

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