On Wednesday, Fox Sports announced a new documentary about Tua Tagovailoa. Entitled TUA, the film will air on Fox on Sunday, September 6th at 4 PM, four days before the scheduled start of the 2020 NFL season and four weeks before Fox’s first game featuring Tua and his Dolphins against the Seattle Seahawks.
Here’s a trailer for the doc.
And here’s a brief synopsis.
“TUA” delivers an exclusive look at the past year of former University of Alabama and current Miami Dolphins quarterback Tua Tagovailoa, as he works to overcome a career-threatening injury ahead of the 2020 NFL Draft. The film explores the star lefty’s journey from childhood prophecy to the biggest stage in football and includes interviews with his parents and other influential figures in his life including Alabama coach Nick Saban.
Mitchell Hooper, who most notably served as director of Showtime’s The Resurgence: DeMarcus Cousins, will direct the film. Hooper also worked on Showtime’s Mauro Ranallo doc, Bipolar Rock ‘N Roller.
Fox’s last doc was The Great Brady Heist, which aired in the leadup to the Super Bowl LIV. We’ve reviewed several of their other docs in the Magnify series over the years, including Nossa Chape and Q Ball.