Sunday NFL Countdown Photo Credit: ESPN

Aaron Rodgers has been a polarizing figure this season among NFL fans and media, and he inadvertently sparked an hilarious debate on ESPN’s Sunday NFL C0untdown.

Host Mike Greenberg pointed out Rodgers’ polarizing nature, then added, “The one thing that I think everyone agrees with — this is one of the greatest players in the history of the National Football League. Do we have a sense today could be the final time we see him as an NFL quarterback?”

ESPN NFL insider Adam Schefter, who like everyone else has been trying to determine the New York Jets quarterback’s plans, gave his take. He slipped in a reference to Rodgers’ Netflix docuseries, Enigma.

“He sounded that way this week,” Schefter said. “Now, I would say it is difficult to predict the future of somebody that has a documentary named after them called Enigma.”

Schefter put a slightly odd pronunciation on the word, making it sound like “e-knee-ma.”

“You keep saying that — it’s e-nig-ma,” Greenberg interrupted. “I’ve always heard the word pronounced e-nig-ma. But OK, go on.”

“Well Greeny, you’re much smarter than I am,” Schefter said. “That’s all I can say. You’ve got a better education!”

“That’s not relevant to this, but go ahead,” Greenberg said.

“E-nig-ma! E-nig-ma!” Schefter responded with exaggerated pronunciation. “Anybody who’s got a documentary named Enigma is very difficult to predict.”

It’s a good bet someone has mispronounced the word “enigma” far worse on TV before, with the unfortunate e-ne-ma pronunciation.


About Arthur Weinstein

Arthur spends his free time traveling around the U.S. to sporting events, state and national parks, and in search of great restaurants off the beaten path.